
1. Preguntas personales: p. 73, eJ 9

2. Grid Game–> vocab game with reflexive verbs

Bonus: conjugate «vestirse» in all forms.



2. Libro: p. 86, ej: 1, 2, y 3

3. Type 2: reflexive verbs.

Bonus: Fill in the blank

Me levanto inmediatamente, pero mi hermano es perezoso y no ______________________ hasta las siete.


1. Vocabulario: Traducen (Translate) las palabras       ——— click here to download 3.1 vocab

2. Grammar Tutors: Reflexive verbs and Adverbs

3. Companeros: Talk with a partner about five things you do on a daily basis.

Bonus! Traducen: I put my socks on before my shoes.

Yesterday’s Agenda:

1. Apuntes (Notes) Click here to download: Apuntes 3.11

Click here for the powerpoint that explains the Apuntes Capítulo 3 apuntes

2.  Las Columnas– click here to download 3.1 columnas1

Tarea: p. 73, ej: 8 en el libro.


1. Practiced for speaking tests

2. Speaking tests

3. Tarjetas for 3.1


Tarea: Finish tarjetas


Bonus: Fill in the blank

Esta es mi papa. _________ Jose Martin.

A. me llamo

b. ? Como te llamas?

c. le llama

d. se llama




1. Columns to practice/study before quiz

2. Prueba 2.3 (quiz)

3. Type 2: estar y ser

4. Finish any missing/late work.  Turn in «Describe A City» project.

Tarea: Nada!!!!


Prima: Describe the what the weather will be during 2 days of your spring break.  2 sentence minimum.

Agenda–Ms. McClain was absent today!

You should have caught up on any late/missing work, as well as:

  1. Describe a city project
  2. Columns (if you finished)
  3. Studied for your prueba 2.3

Tarea: Finish your city proyecto


1. Vocab practice: draw a picture/scene that includes at least 10 of the vocab words.  Switch with a partner and label the drawings without using notes/referencias.

2. Prueba 2.2

3. Tarjetas: make flash cards for all phrases.  Use them to study!

Tarea: Finish tarjetas.


?Que tiempo hace hoy (el viernes)?


!Prima! (Bonus!)

What is one way of asking for help en espanol?


1. Check in cuaderno–

2. Repaso de la prueba 2.2

3. Candy Land-style board game but with spanish conjugations-preterite and present.



Tarea (h/w):  p. 14 y 15, los ejercicios 11-14

STUDY FOR YOUR QUIZ tomorrow– Prueba 2.2

Prima! (Bonus)

Write down the answer to this question, bring it to class or email me (, and you will be rewarded with bonus points!

La pregunta de hoy:  ?Como se dice en espanol: My friends and I went the gym last week, and we practiced many sports?

(Bare with me on symbols, accents, and other alphabet things.  I am still trying to figure out how to insert the symbols on this website.)

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